You may have noticed a
recent trend in education toward visual notetaking, also called Sketchnoting.
This practice has many benefits and applications in education, but I can see
this tool as especially beneficial for our English language learners.
What are sketchnotes?
Sketchnotes are rich,
visual notes created with a combination of drawings, handwritten notes, and
other visual elements such as shapes and arrows. There is no set
"format"- your imagination is the limit. Here's an example I created
about the elements of fiction:
What are the
value of sketchnoting is supported by several theories, such as the dual coding
theory. The dual coding theory (Paivio, 1971), states that both verbal and
nonverbal processing are essential for learning. According to the theory, our
minds have two separate stores of information (verbal representations and
mental images) and learners require both to adequately retain and retrieve
drawing pictures of what they are hearing, students’ minds are engaging
multiple modalities which leads to increased retention of information.
According to author Wendy Pillars (Visual Notetaking for Educators),
sketchnoting or ’edusketching’ can improve retention by up to 55%. This is especially important
for students who are learning the content alongside the language.
visuals that they create during Sketchnoting can help them make important
linguistic connections and support their language growth while helping them
retain important content concepts. Since sketchnoting requires students to use
both receptive and productive skills, along with higher-order thinking to
synthesize information into a sketchnotes, students are being stretched
linguistically and thinking critically.
Sketchnotes also allow lower proficiency beginners to make notes they can understand, while connecting essential vocabulary to rich drawings and visuals, with the opportunity to incorporate their native language as needed for additional support.
Sketchnotes also allow lower proficiency beginners to make notes they can understand, while connecting essential vocabulary to rich drawings and visuals, with the opportunity to incorporate their native language as needed for additional support.
How do I get started?
This video reviews the basics of creating visual notes:
Which tools should I
While there are many tools
out there, I like the idea of sketchnoting by hand with paper and pens.
According to Muller & Oppenheimer (2014), students who took notes by
hand outperformed those who were using laptops for notetaking in conceptual understanding
and long-term recall. If you must use technology for sketchnoting, I'd
recommend using a tool like Adobe Draw- Sylvia Duckworth has a great presentation on using this tool for
I prefer to use my
RocketBook Wave for sketchnoting (mine was gifted to me at the Google Innovator
Academy). I can easily digitize the notes as an image or pdf and send them off
to any number of destinations (Drive, email, etc.). When my notebook is full, I
can throw it in the microwave with a glass of water and erase it all so that I
can reuse the notebook. Super cool!
Are you already using
sketchnoting with your ELLs? Tell me how in the comments!
I just learned about Sketchnoting from some building PD we had. I was curious to see if anyone had ideas on how to use it specifically for ELLs. Your reasons for how it supports language learning was great to know! I'm planning to use it for recording ideas as we visualize the stories we read, and then I hope to continue sketchnoting with other ideas as well!